Welcome to Buffalo State | Benefits at a Glance
Buffalo State offers a comprehensive benefits package to its employees. To help you get a better understanding of the benefits that are available to you, the Human Resource Management Employee Benefits Office presents this online orientation as a general guide.
Buffalo State is a public institution in the State University of New York (SUNY) system and benefits are provided through New York State.
Benefit descriptions, eligibility requirements, effective dates, and costs are detailed along with forms.
When you have finished the online orientation, please complete the checklist to acknowledge you have reviewed the benefits and completed any forms. Return the checklist along with all other forms to the Employee Benefits Office, Cleveland Hall 403, within 28 days of your appointment.
You will receive a new employee packet and an invitation to attend an orientation session where we will explain your benefits, give you the opportunity to ask questions, and allow time for you to complete your benefit enrollment forms. Although the benefit information presented in the orientation session is available online, you may still choose to attend an orientation session in person.
If you have any questions or would like to attend an orientation session, please contact Employee Benefits at 878-4821 or at colemall@buffalostate.edu.
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