As announced in The Daily on 2/11/2025, The strengths and achievements of Buffalo State often stem from the contributions of dedicated faculty and staff. The interim president of Buffalo State and the Buffalo State College Foundation Board members are committed to seeking solutions to budget constraints that recognize the contributions of those who have helped develop and sustain our reputation for excellence.
To participate in the 2025 Phased Voluntary Separation Program (PVSP), interested employees must meet eligibility requirements.
Full-time UUP represented and Management Confidential (MC-13) employees who are NYS retirement eligible, with at least 10 years full-time NYS service as of March 31, 2025, and in good standing at time of application may apply for the program.
Eligible employees must complete and submit the online Application to Participate Form to Human Resources no later than March 31, 2025, by 4:00 p.m.
The DIRECTIONS: Pre-Retirement Planning webinars presented by the NYS Office of Employee Relations are scheduled for February, March, April, May and June 2025. These webinars (held on Webex) offer New York State employees information on planning for retirement. Employees must be eligible to retire within five years. Supervisory approval is required for employees to attend webinars during their normal workday.
The webinar is split into two three-hour presentations on two consecutive days of the month. You have the option to select which webinar days to attend, and do not need to attend consecutive days in the same month.
To register, click on the Register link next to the date you would like to attend. If you would like to attend both days in a month, you must sign up for each day separately.
You must use your work email address to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the webinar. Make sure you open the email and click ACCEPT.
Please see this link for more information:
As the holidays approach, keep in mind that as a state employee, you must comply with the gift rules enforced by the Public Officers Law (POL). Please review the Holiday Gift Exchange Rules on our Ethics website.
In a nutshell, when state employees exchange gifts, the key factor in determining if a gift is allowed is whether it could appear as an attempt to influence the recipient of the gift in the performance of their state job or is intended as a reward for the employee’s official action. Gift giving among employees during the holidays is generally permissible as long as participation is optional (with that option communicated clearly) and there is no intent to influence decision-making. Supervisors should be especially careful not to create an expectation that gifts are expected or required. When in doubt, please contact your agency Ethics Officer, Jamie Warnes or Erika Grande at Human Resource Management or a COELIG Attorney of the Day for guidance.
Announced in the Daily on November 21st - Please join us for the webinar “Make the Most of Social Security,” presented by Voya Financial, on Tuesday, December 10, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Making an informed decision about how and when to claim your Social Security benefits is key to your successful personal retirement income plan. Many workers are not aware of the nuances to Social Security claiming strategies and how the decisions they make affect their ability to live more comfortably in retirement. This workshop will present key considerations and case study examples of different claiming strategies, to help you make a more educated Social Security benefit decision for you and your family. You will also learn about online resources available to you, how to get started on your own, and the valuable role an advisor can play in this critical retirement planning decision.
Please register through the Workshop Registration System.
Announced in the Daily on Thursday, November 14th - Please join us for the webinar “Nearing Retirement,” presented by Voya Financial, on Thursday, November 21, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.
This seminar provides insight on 10 key steps to take to build a healthier financial life in order to retire well. It ideally focuses on those ages 50–60 but can be a valuable lesson no matter your age.
Please register through the Workshop Registration System.
Open enrollment for the 2025 NYS Flex Spending Account (FSA) begins Friday, November 1st, and ends at 11:59 p.m. Monday, December 9th. The program helps eligible state employees save money on necessary health- or dependent-care expenses because the money they set aside in their accounts is not subject to federal, state, or Social Security taxes.
The Flex Spending Account offers three benefits:
The Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) lets you set aside any amount from $100 up to $3,300 (up from $3,200 in 2024) for the 2025 plan year to pay for health care expenses that are not reimbursed by your health insurance or other benefit plan. However, only medically necessary medical, hospital, dental, vision, hearing, and prescription drug expenses for you, your spouse, and your eligible dependents can be reimbursed by your HCSA.
The Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA) allows your family to set aside up to $5,000 in pre-tax dollars for eligible custodial childcare, elder care, or disabled dependent care expenses that are necessary for you and your spouse, if you are married, to work.
The Adoption Advantage Account allows employees to set aside up to $16,810 to pay for expenses related to the adoption of an eligible child with pre-tax dollars. This benefit is available to M/C employees and those represented by CSEA, PEF, UUP, NYSCOPBA, and PBANYS.
Complete information on the Flex Spending Account can be found on the Governor's Office of Employee Relations website. If you wish to take advantage of this benefit, submit your application for enrollment online at or by telephone at 800-358-7202. You will need your NYS EMPLID number, which is located on your paystub, to complete your application. Please be sure to enroll by December 9th. If you are enrolled for the 2024 plan year, you must re-enroll to continue your benefits in 2025.
The deadline for 2025 enrollment is December 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET and is strictly enforced.
The enrollment period for the 2025 Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) is now open and runs through Monday, December 9, 2024. PEP allows eligible CSEA, UUP, PEF, PBANYS, NYSCOPBA, and M/C employees to exchange previously accrued vacation or personal leave for a credit toward their biweekly New York State health insurance premium costs. Sick leave credits cannot be exchanged under this program.
Employees who participated in PEP for 2024 must file a new election form to enroll in the 2025 program. Details and enrollment forms can be found on the Human Resource Management website under Announcements.
To participate, eligible employees must file an election form with the Human Resource Management Office either in person at Cleveland Hall 403 or by email to, by close of business (5 p.m.) on Monday, December 9.
For more information, please see the links below:
As announced on Friday, October 25th, 2024, New York Election Law §3-110 allows employees who are registered to vote in New York, and who do not have sufficient time to vote outside of their working hours, to take up to two hours of paid leave at the beginning or end of their working schedule, as the employer may designate, to vote in any election in New York State, including general elections, special elections called by the governor, primary elections, and town and village elections, but not school or library elections. Additional time off for employees who are covered by the Attendance Rules should be charged to vacation, overtime compensatory time credits, or personal leave, as approved by the supervisor.
Employees who have four consecutive hours either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of their working shift, or between the end of their working shift and the closing of the polls, shall be deemed to have sufficient time outside their working hours to vote. Employees who have fewer than four consecutive hours may take off so much working time as will, when added to their voting time outside their working hours, enable them to vote, but not more than two hours of which shall be without loss of pay, provided that they shall be allowed time off for voting only at the beginning or end of their working shift, as the employer may designate, unless otherwise mutually agreed.
Employees must provide their supervisors with at least two working days’ notice of the leave request. Whether the leave is to be taken at the beginning or end of the employee’s regularly scheduled work shift is to be determined at the supervisor’s discretion and based on the operating needs of the department or university. While up to two hours of leave with pay is available for every election, not every employee’s situation will require the full two hours’ allotted leave.
Proof of voter registration or proof that an employee voted is not required.
Once the leave request is approved, employees should record the non-chargeable leave on their attendance record.
Resources: Attendance and Leave Manual Policy Bulletin and HRM Leaves of Absence website
As announced on Monday, September 23rd, Under the terms of the 2022–2026 UUP contract, a discretionary pool equal to 0.5 percent of the total basic annual salaries of UUP employees as of June 30, 2024, will be available for 2024 discretionary awards. The awards will be added to basic annual salary and will appear in paychecks dated December 18, 2024.
The following documents are available on the Human Resource Management website:
Eligible employees may self-nominate for a discretionary award by completing a Nomination Form and submitting it to their department chair, director, associate vice president, or other direct supervisor by September 27, 2024. Self-nominations and nominations initiated by supervisors and department heads will be forwarded through all appropriate approval levels. Please refer to the process outline for eligibility requirements.
New This Year: Preference will be given to employees who have completed the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 training by September 30, 2024, and all other compliance training requirements by October 11, 2024 (please refer to the training announcement). In addition, if you are a supervisor of professional employees, all your direct reports must have a current performance program and an up-to-date job description in place. If you do not have these documents in place for your direct reports, you have until October 11, 2024, to prepare and send these documents through the approval process. Your vice president’s office can provide copies of performance documents on file.
Employees will not be notified of the recommendation at each level. There will be an opportunity to appeal after the interim president has made her decisions and sent out letters to employees informing them of their awards. Award letters will be sent on November 1, 2024, by close of business. A brief period to submit appeals will follow the distribution of award letters.
If you have any questions regarding the discretionary process, please contact Erika Grande, manager of personnel operations, in Human Resource Management.
As announced on Wednesday, September 25th, Please join us for "Investing 101," presented by Voya Financial, on Tuesday, October 1, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.
You don’t need to be an expert or a stock market whiz to put an investment strategy into place. By focusing on just a few fundamentals, you can have a solid investment plan for your retirement or other financial goals. This engaging seminar will explain investing concepts in plain English and provide simple, practical ways to help you invest with confidence.
To register, please visit the Workshop Registration System.
Announced on Tuesday, September 19th, Every Buffalo State University employee plays a valuable and critical role in helping us fulfill our mission to serve our students, faculty, and staff in addition to our surrounding community to the best of our ability. Our supervisors have the added responsibility of providing honest, constructive, and specific feedback to their staff members to affirm successful goal accomplishment and to address any performance issues that require attention. I also expect supervisors to provide positive, collegial, and respectful commentary where appropriate to motivate and encourage excellence in performance.
Performance evaluations, goal setting, and accountability are a primary responsibility of every supervisor, and it is my expectation that they be completed each year for all employees. Supervisors and employees should be aware that fulfilling this important responsibility will be considered in decisions to award discretionary increases when available, promotions, and other personnel actions.
If you are a supervisor of UUP professional employees and/or classified employees, all your professional and classified direct reports must have a current performance program and an up-to-date job description in place. If you do not have these documents in place for your direct reports, you have until October 11, 2024, to prepare and send these documents through the approval process. Vice presidents’ offices house official personnel files and can provide supervisor with copies of performance documents on file upon request.
In addition, employees who are supervisors must have the following individual goal listed in their own performance programs: “Evaluate the performance of direct report(s) at regular intervals (at minimum annually). Prepare timely personnel paperwork.”
Our campus has performance evaluation systems in place that are intended to clarify job expectations, encourage, and support professional development, provide quality feedback, and foster continuous constructive and communication between the supervisor and the employee on performance throughout the year.
I am asking all supervisors to use the process and forms available on the Human Resource Management website and to consult with our Human Resource Management staff members if you have any questions on the process or need advice on addressing performance issues.
Announced on Tuesday, September 17th, Federal regulations, state laws, and/or campus policies require that all employees participate in mandatory compliance training on various essential topics. These topics include Preventing Discrimination and Harassment, Preventing Workplace Violence and Gender-Based Violence, Information Security Awareness, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX.
These mandated trainings are available online 24/7 through BizLibrary.
The list below identifies the required trainings that all employees, regardless of title, must complete to comply with federal regulations, state law, SUNY regulations, and/or campus policies and their respective due dates.
Employees can log in to BizLibrary to complete the trainings by following these steps:
Student employees, including graduate students, work-study students, student workers, and volunteers are also required to complete all mandated compliance trainings.
If you experience log-in issues, please contact the IT Help Desk. Please visit the Human Resource Management web page or contact the Equity and Campus Diversity Office, (716) 878-5364, with questions about the trainings and for support with completing the trainings.
As announced on Wednesday, August 14th, We are excited to welcome all new faculty and staff members to the Buffalo State University community. New Faculty and Staff Orientation will begin with breakfast on Wednesday, August 21, at 8:30 a.m. in Butler Library 318. All new faculty and staff members have been invited and are welcome to attend.
Orientation will focus on informing new employees of the university’s history, our core values, our mission, teaching and scholarship, community involvement opportunities, and campus policies. All new employees are strongly encouraged to attend orientation, and supervisors are strongly encouraged to provide employees with the opportunity to participate.
Please contact Rebecca Eggleston, professional development assistant, if you plan to attend.
Announced on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, As part of the Ethics Commission Reform Act of 2022, all New York State employees are required to complete the Comprehensive Ethics Training Course every year. If you have not completed the training, please sign up for one of the hybrid sessions offered in August:
Please note: If you are employed at a state agency other than Buffalo State University and have already completed the Comprehensive Ethics Training Course through the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government or through your state agency in 2023 or 2024, please send a copy of your certificate of completion to Rebecca Eggleston, professional development assistant, so that we can document that you have fulfilled this mandatory training requirement at a different state agency.
Announced on Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, As part of the Ethics Commission Reform Act of 2022, all New York State employees are required to complete the Comprehensive Ethics Training Course every year. If you have not completed the training, please sign up for one of the hybrid sessions offered in July.
Please note: If you are employed at a state agency other than Buffalo State University and have already completed the Comprehensive Ethics Training Course through the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government or through your state agency in 2023 or 2024, please send a copy of your certificate of completion to Rebecca Eggleston, professional development assistant, so that we can document that you have fulfilled this mandatory training requirement at a different state agency.
As announced on Friday, June 28th, 2024, The SUNY telecommuting policy (PDF, 197 KB) issued on August 2, 2021, has been extended through June 30, 2025.
While the SUNY program will continue through June 30, 2025, extensions of telecommuting arrangements for Buffalo State employees are not automatic. Employees must request extensions of their existing plans or apply for new plans.
All telecommuting arrangements must be reviewed and approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager, the department head or dean, the division leader, and senior campus leadership. Please be aware that supervisory approval alone does not authorize participation in this program.
Requesting an Extension of a Telecommuting Plan
Please discuss your request with your supervisor and submit the SUNY Telecommuting Program Application and Work Plan, checking the box labeled “Application for Renewal.” Your plan should be updated at this time to reflect any operational changes.
While your request is being reviewed for approval, your existing plan will remain in effect. The Human Resource Management Office will notify you of the outcome of the review process for an extension.
Requesting a New Telecommuting Plan
Please discuss your request with your supervisor and submit the SUNY Telecommuting Program Application and Work Plan, checking the box labeled “New Application.”
New telecommuting work arrangements must not commence until they receive final written approval. The Human Resource Management Office will notify you when the arrangement can begin.
Program Requirements
Employees approved to participate in the telecommuting program must complete and submit to their supervisor’s biweekly progress reports describing work completed while telecommuting. The Human Resource Management Office may, at any time, request these reports to ensure compliance with the program.
Program Information
All telecommuting work arrangement are subject to advance approval.
This program supports employees whose work does not require in-person student or constituent service delivery and interaction, including classroom presence.
This program uses a set schedule during each pay period. It is not appropriate for “as needed” telecommuting arrangements.
Telecommuting arrangements may be terminated at any time by the supervisor for operational reasons, or because the telecommuting employee does not complete the required progress reports.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the work described in the telecommuting plan is being done, and that the needs of the department are being met while the plan is in place.
Telecommuting program information for employees and supervisors is available on the Human Resource Management website. Please contact the Human Resource Management Office staff with questions about the program.
As announced on Thursday, May 23, we are pleased to offer a one-time, local Buffalo State Voluntary Separation Program to all SUNY Buffalo State full-time, retirement-eligible employees. It is important to note that this Voluntary Separation Program is one part of a larger strategy to align SUNY Buffalo State’s operations, and that the entirety of the plan’s success is contingent on each part working to its fullest possibility.
If you are interested in participating in the Voluntary Separation Program, please follow these steps:
The Governor’s Office of Employee Relations has announced the Over40 Comp Time II Pilot Program (Over40 II) program for the 2024-2025 program year. Under this program, overtime-eligible State employees represented by CSEA and PEF may opt to earn compensatory time at the time and one-half rate in lieu of overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek and to cash out that time at straight-time at a later date. The 2024-2025 program year will conclude on June 19, 2024.
Please see the linked Program Description for details.
Enrollments for eligible employees for the 2024-2025 program year, which will commence with the payroll period that includes July 1, 2024, must be submitted by employees no later than close of business June 1, 2024.
For questions or to submit the completed enrollment form, please contact the Payroll Office at or in Cleveland Hall Room 408.
The collective bargaining Agreements between the State and UUP allow for waiver of holiday compensation.
Faculty and Staff must be in a position that accrues holidays and may notify the Payroll Office in writing between by and May 15, 2024 of their selection to waive holiday pay in favor of compensatory time off for holidays worked. The waiver will be in effect until at least April 1, 2025. Conversely, faculty and staff may also elect to revoke any waiver of holiday pay now in effect by filing the election form to the Payroll Office by May 15, 2024.
For questions and to submit the election form, please contact the Payroll Office at
SUNY Retirement Plan Investment Providers have prepared a series of virtual seminars and resources for the month of April. Join us on an enlightening journey of discovery and personal growth, one that honors the lessons of the past while guiding us toward a future of financial well-being, freedom, and empowerment.
Learn, Grow, and Save with Experts
In collaboration with our retirement plan providers – Corebridge, Fidelity, TIAA, and Voya – we bring a wide array of webinars and resources, designed to support financial well-being across all stages of life. More than just educational opportunities, these sessions are gateways to sustained financial health.
Let's Celebrate and Grow Together!
Let’s unite with Financial Literacy Month to forge a financially secure future for ourselves and our community. Together, we'll explore the foundations of financial knowledge, understand the power of informed investing, and learn strategies for managing and growing wealth. Your journey towards financial literacy and empowerment begins today!
Factor in your Future: Cost of living now and later
Click to access
Financial Wellness Webinar Series: Build a better financial future
Click to register
Invest for Success: 5 principles you need to know
Date and time: Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. ET
Fine-tuning your Retirement Strategy: Investing toward a secure future
Date and time: Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. ET
How YOU Money: Money tips you didn't learn in school
Save for What Matters Most
The collective bargaining Agreements between the State and CSEA, PBANYS, NYSCOPBA, and PEF, allow for waiver of holiday compensation.
Employees may notify the Payroll Office in writing between April 2, 2024 and May 15, 2024 of their selection to waive holiday pay in favor of compensatory time off for holidays worked. The waiver will be in effect until at least April 1, 2025. Conversely, employees may also elect to revoke any waiver of holiday pay now in effect by filing the election form to the Payroll Office by May 15, 2024.
A form only needs to be submitted if making a change to the election currently in effect.
For questions and to submit the form, please contact the Payroll Office at
Submitted in The Daily on 4/2/24
As part of the Ethics Commission Reform Act of 2022, all New York State employees are required to complete ethics training every year.
Employees have two options for completing this requirement:
Complete one of the live training sessions offered in person on campus. Please register for a session through the Workshop Registration System.
Complete the live virtual training session through the NYS Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government. Training sessions are held on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Please see the commission’s website for registration information. Make sure you select SUNY College at Buffalo as your agency. HRM will be notified of all course completions by employees.
Supervisors are asked to ensure that all their employees are allotted time to complete this mandatory training.
Submitted in The Daily on 3/22/24
The State University of New York (SUNY) provides employees with the opportunity to save for their retirement through the SUNY Voluntary 403(b) Savings Plan. Participation in the SUNY Voluntary Savings Plan is a great way to build your retirement savings through pre-tax or post-tax payroll deduction contributions.
Whether you want to enroll in the plan for the first time or you are already enrolled but wish to change the amount of your deferral, you can do so through the SUNY "Retirement At Work" online enrollment and management system. For more information, please call the Employee Benefits Office at (716) 878-4821 or visit the SUNY Benefits website.
All employees of SUNY who receive compensation reportable on an IRS form W-2 are eligible to participate in the plan.
Please take a moment to review the plan materials before enrolling. Once you are enrolled, you can review and change the amount of your contributions as often as once per pay period, in accordance with campus payroll deadlines for submitting changes, through the SUNY "Retirement At Work" online enrollment and management system.
The exact date that your investment allocations will take effect may vary depending on payroll system deadlines and the policies of the investment provider you chose for plan contributions.
In addition to the SUNY 403(b) Plan, the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP) also provides a way for you to contribute to a retirement account on both a pre-tax (traditional) and post-tax (Roth) basis through payroll deduction.
Through the pre-tax options (traditional), your contributions plus earnings are not taxed until you withdraw the funds. Distributions are considered ordinary income for tax purposes.
Through the post-tax (Roth) option, your contributions are taxed at the time you make them. Earnings are income tax-free upon qualified distribution if you are 59-1/2 (for the 403(b) plan) or separated from service (for both 403(b) and 457 plans) and it has been at least five taxable years since the initial Roth deposit.
How Much Can I Contribute?
For 2024, you can contribute up to $23,000 per year. If you are age 50 or older anytime in 2024, you can contribute an additional $7,500, for a maximum of $30,500.
Each participant is limited to these maximum contribution amounts for all 403(b) and 457 plans, respectively. SUNY employees are able to maximize contributions to both the SUNY 403(b) Plan and the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan (457) concurrently; however, if you also participate in a 403(b) or 457 plan with another employer, you are responsible for tracking and reporting the amount of all of your contributions to the plans so that the total amount of all your annual contributions to all plans in which you participate does not exceed the limit. Deferred Compensation (457) plans may also offer, for eligible participants, the Special Retirement Catch-up Provision for contributions within three years of your elected normal retirement age.
A special limit may apply to your contributions if you “control” (meaning you have more than a 50 percent ownership interest) in another business and you participate in its retirement plan. In determining the annual limit for all contributions described above, you must include all contributions made on your behalf under any defined contribution plans maintained by the other business that you control. You are required to inform the Benefits Office if this situation applies to you. Failure to do so can result in adverse tax consequences to you.
What Are My Savings Options?
There are several plan options and investment providers to choose from through the SUNY 403(b) Plan. NYS Deferred Compensation Plan also offers its own investment options. Authorized investment providers offer a wide choice of investment options, including stock, bond, and guaranteed funds. Each provider offers individual counseling and assistance on investment information and can review the pre- and post-tax contribution options to best meet your retirement planning needs.
The following authorized plans and investment providers are available to you within the SUNY 403(b) Plan:
Corebridge Financial (formerly, AIG Retirement Services)
(800) 448-2542 or (888) 569-7055
Fidelity Investments (403(b)(7) Mutual Funds)
(844) FOR-SUNY (844) 367-7869
Teachers Insurance Annuity Associate (TIAA)
(800) 662-7945
Voya Financial
(800) 584-6001
NYS Deferred Compensation Plan (457)
(800) 422-8463
What Do I Need to Do?
If you wish to enroll or change your enrollment in the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP), you must contact NYSDCP directly.
If you are currently enrolled and wish to contribute the same biweekly amount in 2024, no action on your part is necessary unless you are currently contributing additional moneys under the “age 50” rule outlined above. Please check your pay stub to be sure your current biweekly contribution for 403(b) deductions with any investment providers with whom you are investing multiplied by the number of remaining pay periods in the year does not exceed the allowable limit. Please be mindful that if you made a change mid-year, you must make sure that your current biweekly amount will result in the correct annual amount you want deferred for 2024.
To change the amount you are now contributing, please use the SUNY "Retirement At Work" online enrollment and management system. For assistance with this process or if you have questions, please contact the Benefits Office.
Posted in The Daily on 2/5/2024
Human Resource Management is pleased to announce a Phased Retirement Program for eligible academic and professional employees. The program provides an opportunity for a phased approach to retirement, allowing employees to transition into retirement gradually, with a reduction in workload or obligation and commensurate reduction in pay. The program is voluntary and optional.
Program details, including eligibility requirements, the application, and the intent to resign for retirement template letter, are available on the Human Resource Management website.
Eligible employees should discuss the program with their chair or head of their department. Participation in the program is subject to review and approval of the President.
Please contact Human Resource Management with questions.
Posted in The Daily on 2/2/2023
The State of New York/United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committees have announced that $56,656 has been allocated to SUNY Buffalo State for Individual Development Awards for the new program period of July 2, 2023, through July 1, 2024.
This award program is intended to assist employees in the UUP bargaining unit in developing their full professional potential and preparing for advancement by funding professional development activities. Information on eligibility requirements, types of projects or activities funded, funding priorities, and expenditure limitations along with the application and instructions are available on the Human Resource Management website.
The maximum amount that can be awarded for each employee under this program is $2,000. Employees may be funded for up to two projects or activities, not to exceed a total of $2,000. The funded activity must take place between July 2, 2023, and July 1, 2024.
Applications for this award period must be received at no later than March 29, 2024.
Individual Development Awards committee members are Lisa Marie Anselmi and Jude Jayatilleke representing UUP, and Erika Grande and Charles Lyons representing management. If you have any questions regarding the awards, please contact Erika Grande in Human Resource Management.
Posted in The Daily on 1/24/2024
New York State/United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committees (NYS/UUP JLMC) offers FREE Professional Development Training to UUP employees. Expand your knowledge on Leadership with FREE online learning. EKB has over 10,000 resources, including books, audiobooks, courses, and videos.
Virtual Collaboration topics available through EKB include:
To access the EKB guidelines and application: EKB License Guidelines ( and EKB License Application (
For further information contact NYS/UUP JLMC at, 1-518-486-4666, or 2 Empire State Plaza 8th Floor Albany, NY 12223.
In any fiscal year in which February 29th falls, the Office of the State Comptroller automatically adjusts salaried employees' biweekly salary calculations based on 366 days in the fiscal year. Salaried employees paid on a calendar year basis will see a change in their biweekly gross earnings beginning with the September 27, 2023 paycheck.
The definition of calendar year and the leap year and non-leap year salary calculation is posted on the Payroll FAQs page and is noted below.
Questions may be directed to the Payroll Office via email at or by phone at 716-878-4124.
Pay Modes - Calendar (CAL)
Use for faculty with academic year obligations paid over 12 months. The normal appointment year or payroll obligation dates for faculty is 9/1/xx – 8/31/xx. The faculty academic year obligation is determined each year by the President. (26 pay periods)
Why is there a discrepancy between my gross annual earnings and my annual base salary?
Since a fiscal year cannot be divided equally into bi-weekly periods, computation of the bi-weekly wage is made by dividing the annual salary by the number of calendar days in the fiscal year (365 or in the case of a leap year, 366) and multiplying this result by fourteen, the number of calendar days in a bi-weekly period. To reduce this process to one step, the fractions 14/365 and 14/366 are converted to multiplication factors: .038356 (non-leap year) and .038251 (leap year).
Normally, there are 26 pay periods during a calendar year. Due to the idiosyncrasies in the calendar and the State's payroll cycle, State employees occasionally receive 27 paychecks in a calendar year, instead of 26. When this occurs, the employee's gross annual earnings will be higher than the annual salary.
New York State enacted legislation in 2018 requiring all employers, including Buffalo State University, to ensure that their employees complete sexual harassment prevention training annually. The Equity and Campus Diversity Office has developed a 20-minute online program that meets all New York State requirements for sexual harassment prevention training.
NYS Labor Law §27b mandates that all public employees participate in annual workplace violence prevention training.
These training programs must be completed online using BizLibrary no later than Tuesday, November 21.
Employees can log in to BizLibrary to complete the training by following these steps:
Student employees, including graduate students, work-study students, and student workers, are also required to complete the mandatory sexual harassment training.
Student employees should take the following steps to complete the training:
If you experience log-in issues, please contact the IT Help Desk. Please visit the Equity and Campus Diversity Frequently Asked Questions page or contact the Equity and Campus Diversity Office, 716-878-6210, with questions about the training.
New York State/United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committees (NYS/UUP JLMC) is offering FREE professional development through the Empire KnowledgeBank (EKB). Expand your Microsoft Office knowledge with this FREE online learning. EKB has over 10,000 resources, including books, audiobooks, courses, and videos. Microsoft Office topics available through EKB include:
To apply for an EKB license, access the EKB guidelines and application:
EKB License Guidelines ( and EKB License Application (
For further information contact NYS/UUP JLMC via, 1-518-486-4666, or 2 Empire State Plaza, 8th Floor, Albany, NY 12223.
Every Buffalo State University employee plays a valuable and critical role in helping us fulfill our mission to serve our students, faculty, and staff in addition to our surrounding community to the best of our ability. Our supervisors have the added responsibility of providing honest, constructive, and specific feedback to their staff members to affirm successful goal accomplishment and to address any performance issues that require attention. I also expect supervisors to provide positive, collegial, and respectful commentary where appropriate to motivate and encourage excellence in performance.
Performance evaluations, goal setting, and accountability are a primary responsibility of every supervisor, and it is my expectation that they be completed each year for all employees. Supervisors and employees should be aware that fulfilling this important responsibility will be considered in decisions to award discretionary increases when available, promotions, and other personnel actions.
Our campus has performance evaluation systems in place that are intended to clarify job expectations, encourage, and support professional development, provide quality feedback, and foster continuous constructive and communication between the supervisor and the employee on performance throughout the year.
I am asking all supervisors to use the process and forms available on the Human Resource Management website and to consult with our Human Resource Management staff members if you have any questions on the process or need advice on addressing performance issues.
Posted in The Daily 9/5/2023
Any employees who have been inactive on state payroll for more than two pay periods will have their direct deposit deactivated by the Office of the State Comptroller. Employees returning for fall 2023 who had direct deposit in previously semesters and whose information has not changed must request reactivation by submitting the Direct Deposit Reactivation Request Form via email to the Payroll Office.
Buffalo State University participates in the New York State Direct Deposit Program. Through this program, employees may choose to have their net salary partially or entirely deposited directly, via electronic funds transfer, with any financial institution that can receive transactions through the automated clearinghouse system. To enroll, please bring completed original Direct Deposit Forms (PDF, 1.9 MB) to the Payroll Office located in Cleveland Hall 408.
Please share this message with your returning students as well.
Posted in The Daily 08/31/2023
This policy has been extended through June 30, 2024. While the SUNY program will continue through June 30, 2024, extensions of telecommuting arrangements for Buffalo State employees are not automatic. Employees must request extensions of their existing plans or apply for new plans. All telecommuting arrangements must be reviewed and approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager, the department head or dean, the division leader, and senior campus leadership.
Requesting an Extension of a Telecommuting Plan
Please discuss your request with your supervisor and submit the SUNY Telecommuting Program Application and Work Plan, checking the box labeled “Application for Renewal.” Your plan should be updated at this time to reflect any operational changes. While your request is being reviewed for approval, your existing plan will remain in effect. The Human Resource Management Office will notify you of the outcome of the review process for an extension.
Requesting a New Telecommuting Plan
Please discuss your request with your supervisor and submit the SUNY Telecommuting Program Application and Work Plan, checking the box labeled “New Application.” New telecommuting work arrangements must not commence until they receive final written approval. The Human Resource Management Office will notify you when the arrangement can begin. Employees approved to participate in the telecommuting program must complete and submit to their supervisors biweekly progress reports describing work completed while telecommuting. The Human Resource Management Office may, at any time, request these reports to ensure compliance with the program.
Please note the following program highlights:
Telecommuting program information for employees and supervisors is available at
Please contact the Human Resource Management Office staff with questions about the program.
The New York State and CSEA Partnership’s 2023-2024 Tuition Benefits Program for eligible CSEA-represented NYS employees applications is available. The catalog and application are available online.
Eligible CSEA-represented NYS employees can:
Applications must be received by March 31, 2024.
Any course taken must be in session during the time frame of April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024. All eligible courses must be vocational, trade, technical or business-related, instructor-led, and relevant to a NYS occupation or NYS workforce need.
Applications will be accepted by mail (NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training, Corporate Plaza East – Suite 502, 240 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany, NY 12203), by fax at 518-486-1989, or by email to
Educational Advisement Services and more information are available by calling 1-800-253-4332 (Option 1) or emailing and
Aspiring nurses, welders, HVAC technicians, information technology professionals, and commercial drivers can save money on tuition for eligible programming through the Partnership’s Statewide Targeted Tuition Program.
CSEA-represented NYS employees training in these career fields can receive up to two targeted tuition benefits. This is in addition to the two standard tuition benefits available to all CSEA-represented NYS employees. This means eligible employees can receive a total of four tuition benefits. Each benefit can cover up to $1,220. The four benefits can add up to $4,880 per year. The catalog and application are available online.
The additional benefits help employees attain their coursework faster while reducing their tuition expenses. Statewide Targeted Tuition Programs:
Applications must be received by March 31, 2024.
Applications will be accepted by mail (NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training, Corporate Plaza East – Suite 502, 240 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany, NY 12203), by fax at 518-486-1989, or by email to For more information, contact a Partnership advisor at 1-800-253-4332 (Option 1) or
ERS will be distributing the Member Annual Statement (MAS) during the months of May and June which contains valuable information that can help members understand their retirement benefits and plan for the future. Your MAS will be mailed by ERS directly to your home address. Since statements are provided directly to a member's home address, it is important that ERS have the member's current contact information on file.
ERS members may sign into their retirement online account to view their mailing and e-mail addresses, and update them if needed. You can receive your MAS faster by choosing to receive it through Retirement Online. Go to the “My Profile Information” area of your Account Homepage in Retirement Online, click “update” next to “Member Annual Statement and choose “Email” in the dropdown. If you don’t elect to receive your MAS by e-mail, it will be mailed to your address on file. When you choose to receive your MAS through Retirement Online, you’ll receive an e-mail when your Statement is ready to view. You also will have the ability to save and download an electronic copy of your Statement.
If you need to update any of your contact information, including your home/mailing address, you may do so via:
You may visit the ERS website which explains your MAS. As an additional reminder, if you have had previous membership in ERS, or any of the following public retirement systems, your service may be transferred, re-credited and your date of membership and tier restored:
You may also be able to get retirement credit for any prior NYS public employment (i.e. municipal, town, village, city, etc.) even if you did not previously join a retirement system. This is also the case regarding military service you have had in the U. S. armed forces.
To be eligible to receive credit for your military service under Article 20, you must meet the outlined criteria. If you have any questions regarding tier reinstatement or receiving additional service credit, please contact ERS at 1-866-805-0990.
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