The negotiated agreements between the State and CSEA provides employees in the Administrative Services Unit (ASU), Operational Services Unit (OSU), and Institutional Services Unit (ISU) with the Voluntary Reduction in Work Schedule Program. This program offers managers flexibility with utilizing staff while enabling employees the opportunity to attend to their personal needs and interests.
In brief, the VRWS program allows an employee to enter a voluntary agreement with their supervisor for a designated period, from 1 to 26 bi-weekly payroll periods, in which the employee accepts a percentage of reduced pay in exchange for an equivalent percentage of leave (VR credits) for specified time off. Participants may reduce their work schedules (and salaries) a minimum of 5 percent up to a maximum of 30 percent, in 5 percent increments.
If an employee wishes to establish a VRWS agreement, please contact Human Resource Management, Cleveland Hall 403, 878-4822. The application will elicit the employee’s plan for a reduced work schedule, which will be approved or disapproved by the supervisor and the vice president/provost/CIO, in consultation with Human Resource Management, based on operating needs.
Example B, shorter work week, may be an option for employees during the "holiday break" who lack leave accruals and would otherwise be placed on leave without pay, or prefer not to exhaust their leave accruals to take the time off.
Example C, block of time, is a good alternative for employees in academic departments who may wish to take a month off during the summer.
Although VRWS agreements are for stated periods, they can be discontinued by mutual agreement at the end of any payroll period. Managers have the discretion to continue or discontinue a VRWS agreement when receiving a new employee through promotion, transfer, or reassignment. If you choose not to continue a previously arranged agreement, the employee will carry the VR credits forward on their attendance record.
An employee whose request to participate in the VRWS program has been denied shall have the right to request a written statement of the reason for the denial. Such written statement shall be provided within five working days of the request. Upon receipt of the reason for the denial, the employee may request a review of denial by the president’s designee (Employee Relations Manager). Such request must be made, and will be reviewed, in accordance with the following procedures:
Employee applications for participation in the VRWS program shall not be routinely denied on the campus. If a bargaining unit representative can establish such a practice, it shall be discussed in a labor/management committee at the appropriate level.
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